The British Taekwondo Council is the official National Governing Body for all styles of Taekwondo in the UK. Other groups who may claim to be the NGB might be the official national body for their international organisation, which is not the same as being the actual National Governing Body for the UK.
For the British Taekwondo Council to be a National Governing body there are stringent regulations and monitoring of the organisation by Sport England, UK Sport and other official agencies. As such the body and instructors need to meet a minimum level of set requirements. Additionally instructors/Coaches have a responsibility to ensure all their members are insured through the BTC provided insurance.
The UKTDC has an excellent online membership system giving instructors instant access to member registration and insurance slip print-off through our membership portal.
What is a National Governing Body (NGB)?
A National Governing Body is the body tasked to regulate and administer a sport on a national level. They are able via Sport England to access specialist services, access knowledge hubs, apply for Lottery Grant Funding and interact with other NGB’s with a view to develop the sport and increase participation
Opening Doors
In many parts of the country schools, sports centres, council run venues and some private venues that can be used to rent out for sport classes require that the renting group be registered with a recognised Sport England organisation which will be the National Governing Body. Most will also request to see your DBS certificate, your Public Liability Insurance and your qualifications.
Assurance and accountability
Being part of the National Governing Body gives the public, venue operators, parents and students a level of assurance that the renting group is part of a regulated body that will have all the requirements of insurance, DBS checks, training requirements for safeguarding, instructor training, diversity, welfare, protecting children plus an avenue for on-going training and checks.
The National Governing Body has to have all these courses and requirements in place, or checking that their instructors and members have met the criteria specified by Sport England and UK Sport to be able to apply for and be given the funding to continue and develop.
Not being part of the National Governing Body places you in the unregulated category which is what government agencies, sports bodies, councils and schools etc often feel uncomfortable with as there is a lack of accountability and assurance of minimum expected requirements should anything go wrong.
National Code of Sports Governance
The BTC has to align with the National Code of Sports Governance 2021 (Tier 3 criteria for Sport England funding partners and organisations with NGB status), the NSPCC/CPSU Advance Safeguarding Standards for Children in Sport, and the DBS Code of Practice for Registered Bodies (BTC is a Registered Body),
As such BTC Registered Instructors are required to gain National Governing Body accreditation when they commence teaching Taekwondo. This accreditation is renewed every three years and comprises:
- BTC Registered Instructors Course (BTC Policies and Procedures – Code of Conduct and Ethics, Equity, Communications and Social Media, Health and Safety, Insurance)
- Enhanced DBS/PVG Scheme/AccessNI Certificate
- BTC Basic Safeguarding Awareness Certificate
- First Aid Qualification
- BTC Professional Indemnity Insurance
- Current membership of BTC Member Organisation
Instructors and individual club members are required to have the insurance provided through the BTC.
The BTC has committees which address such things as:
- Business Plans
- Health and Safety,
- Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)
- Environmental Social Governance (ESG).
- Diversity and Inclusion,
- People,
- Welfare and Safety,
- Safeguarding.
- Data protection
BTC business has to ensure it is conducted in line with the standards, transparency and accountability required by the NCoG and Sport England System Partner agreement.
A BTC board member is required to attend meetings with Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity.
Although there are a few paid positions on the board much of the work done by them is voluntary or expenses only
Old Ideologies
The old ideology that you have trained in your martial art and gained a number of black belts is no longer viewed and accepted by many in today’s world as a guarantee of a competent, responsible and accountable Instructor/Coach
The BTC is a body comprised of multiple member organisations all working to develop and increase the participation of Taekwondo in all its forms. Each member group can send a representative to the quarterly membership meetings in which they are provided with the up-to-date financial records and membership levels which enables them to access their own growth and that of the NGB. There are many topics for debate and voting to implement any decisions. In this manner the BTC as a National Governing Body are continually consulting and engaging with their member groups to be a cohesive and inclusive body.
Above the Membership Committee are the Executive Board of Directors which come from some of the member groups and independent people who are tasked with the running of the organisation and to ensure that it can maintain its NGB status. This executive level is not sport specific as such but managerial.
What does the National Governing Body do for me?
This is a question easily explained as developing and implementing the structure, governance and systems, managing and providing the quality training courses allowing coaches and organisations to develop and attain the relevant skills, safe practices and knowledge required of all sports coaches in today’s modern world. It also gives you the credibility in the eyes of current and potential students and parents as well as other organisations that you may come in to contact with in the course of your teaching Taekwondo.
Please Note:
“All member organisations are held responsible for their instructor/members actions and will be held accountable should it be proven that any individual is in breach of the BTC Membership Rules and Regulations. Failure to act upon a directive from BTC could result in the member organisation being put into disciplinary procedure.”